Are you or a family member participating in a contact sport? We have seen many of these injuries first-hand in our practice and recommend that anyone engaging in an athletic event should preventatively shield themselves from harmful or traumatic scenarios. Your teeth and mouth can be best protected with a custom-made mouth guard. These custom laboratory-made appliances will stay in place and protect your beautiful smile in the event you find yourself in a precarious scenario, such as a fall or other kind of trauma.
You are well served to wear a protective appliance to prevent permanent damage to your teeth from clenching or grinding.
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the prevailing form of a sleep disorder that causes sufferers to frequently stop breathing throughout the night. OSA often occurs when the lower jaw becomes relaxed during sleep to the point of collapse. This causes a partial or complete block of the smooth flow of air from the lungs, through the airway to the brain.
Do you struggle with any of these symptoms of OSA?
Many times, a patient that suffers from sleep apnea may not remember snoring loudly or frequently waking throughout the night, so it is often a family member or sleep partner who identifies a potential problem.
Within our practice, we carefully screen all of our patients to ensure that they are not suffering from symptoms associated with OSA. If treatment is necessary, we will discuss potential options, which may include a referral for a sleep study, your physician, or fabrication of an appliance that prevents the collapse of the jaw and open the airway.
For those people who experience significant discomfort or fear of dental procedures, sedation dentistry can provide a level of comfort for you.
Speak to a team member about your concerns, we have a solution for you!